Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Pepper Spray: "I don't want to rape anymore"

Three years ago I with selling security systems in Virginia Beach. I loved it there it was so great even in the worst of neighborhoods. One of the door to door salespersons was a young girl. We worked in bad neighborhoods and we bought her some pepper spray. I said "do you really think that would stop someone in there tracks" my boss said it should but there is only one way to find out.

Sitting around one day he said i am going to pepper spray you, i ask how much money he had. he started a collection for people to see the painful show. they told me they had $85 collected, i said heck yes i would of done it for $30.

well this is what happened. At the 35 sec. mark i get maced and the affects weren't to bad right away but enough for me to yell "i don't want to rape anymore!"

One minute later i freak out. as they help me to the bathroom to start the cleanse turn it on full blast hot. i splashed it on my face and scream like a little girl "Make it cold! Why is it so HoTTT!" that is when the hurt started. here the video:

After we walked up to my boss's Apt and I keep washing. we used soap and milk on a rag and tried to touch bread to my face. Even the direct cold water burned, that is why i am shimmering it all over. by now my whole face started to swell and burn my face. my eyes were starting to be the least of my pain. when he zooms in and you can see the red from a distance.

I found out later that is to be shot indirectly from 18-inches to 42 inches away. If closer could blind the person. well I guess I got luck there. I only received $45 for the hour and a half of agony. the burn spread to my chest it felt like vapor rub times 3. I would not do it again for $30 dollars not even $50. only for the original price of $85.


MANathon: week one

Its actually a really manly story as my roommate explained it. The persians were like the dark side trying to get the world on lock and and were brawling with the greeks. the greeks owned 'em at marathon and their captain was like "Some one go tell A-town that we rocked the persian"and phil was like "I got some wind left, brb"and books it to all the way there without a breather to Athens. he rolls up and is like "we pwned those n00bz" and then died. (he's really smart as you can see, but you might want to read up on it at one of the links)

so my roommate said he wants to run one so he can put it on a resume and look more accomplished. I told him computers have spell checkers not fact checkers. he said I don't understand how fulfilling it would be to finish. I told him I don't but I would like too. said we decide to run it together. So I didn't think to write about it last week which was my first week of training but I have enter the SLC marathon and will be running it at the end of april.

It's not on my bucket list to run through SLC along side Trax, but doing a Ironman has always caught my eye. an Ironman is 3 mile swim in the ocean, biking 120 miles and then a marathon cause the other stuff is easy. so I told him I am running a marathon to see if i can even work up to that bucket list goal.

I think paying to run is stupid and i cried when i paid $113, but then again I remember i am going to get a t-shirt that you could only get at D.I. next year. I think i would be better off just having some one hit me in the knees with a crowbar and get it over with. who wants to work up to that feeling for 8 weeks when you can do the drive thru approach. having said all that, Here i am, 8 weeks away and i have only ran 3 or 4  times, but i did do a two 10 milers.

To be honest I don't think they do it cause it feels good to take an hour out of your day to exhaust yourself. Or they like paying $113 for and D.I. t-shirt when they should be saving up for that hip replacement their going to need in the future. Nope, it for the bragging rights. "I'm a runner" is how they describe themselves. ''26.2'' and "Ragnar" stickers on their cars is how they in directly describe themselves. My friend wants to look good for a employer. I want to set my sights on something bigger.

The feeling that "I did it" never leaves us. We need and crave it. It just depends on what you are interested in. I want to see myself do this. I want to be part of the culture even if its only once.


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